What Is Matcha & How To Prepare It Traditionally?
What is Matcha?
Matcha is a powdered green tea that is typically used in the Japanese tea ceremony. It is made from the highest grade of Gyokuro Japanese green tea. The finest shade-grown tea buds are plucked, the stems and veins are removed, and the leaves are carefully ground into a fine powder.
What are the tasting notes of Matcha?
Matcha makes a thick brew that some say is an acquired taste. It has a rich umami flavor filled with notes of nature. Some compare the first taste of Matcha to red wine and dark chocolate.
How do you prepare Matcha?
- Using a Chashaku (bamboo tea scoop), measure 1 1/2 to 2 scoops of matcha (1/2 teaspoon) into a Matcha Chawan (tea bowl).
- Add 1/4 cup of simmering water (160-170 degrees) to Chawan.
- Using a Chasen (bamboo tea whisk), whisk the matcha and hot water. Hold the chasen vertically and barely touching the bottom of the bowl. Stir slowly until matcha is dissolved. Then briskly whisk back and forth in the middle of the tea bowl.
- When a light foam has developed, slowly lift the whisk from the center of the bowl and enjoy.
- After cleaning your matcha whisk, place your Chasen over a Chasen Stand to keep its elegant shape.
Matcha Essentials
1. Matcha Tea Whisk 抹茶泡立て器2. Matcha Scoop 抹茶スクープ
3. Matcha Bowl 抹茶ボウル
4. Matcha Whisk Stand 抹茶碗